Joshua Williams

Louisville Kentucky United States Contact Information: Available by request.
Photo of Joshua Williams

Biographical Info

My name is Joshua Williams.

This will have been my 14th completed year as a music educator in the state of Kentucky,  My judging career started in 2009 as I trained with an esteemed panel of judges who have been recognized as some of the top judges in the United States. I have judged many local contest in KMEA on Music Ensemble, Visual Ensemble, Effect captions and Percussion captions, and have been appointed chef judge at several events. Outside of Kentucky I have judged in Indiana as a regular season judge for “Dirt Band’ which is also connected to Indiana State Fair Band Day which I served as one of the judges for the Prelims event. I have also judged at several events in Tennessee, Missouri and Ohio.

During the Winter seasons I have judged for 4 years in the MCCGA Circuit which I judged Music, Visual and General Effect, and was recognized as one of the top judges in the circuit and accepted the opportunity to judge the Indoor Percussion and Winds Championships in 2018. The greatest information I can express about finding acceptable judges for your shows is to find individuals who truly love the activity, and want to see the students grow on all levels of musicianship and leadership.




  • KMEA
Categories: Music Effect, Music Ensemble, Visual Effect, Visual Ensemble, Percussion